I was up before dawn. The skies were dark. Rain splashed against the garden outside. It was cold enough to deter me from my usual praying spot in the egg chair outside, so I sat with a rug, hugging a warm coffee cup, and gazing into my darkened yard from a window. Slowly the skies began to lighten, and my garden's watery details emerge. And a beautiful thought came to me.
No matter how dark the skies - how intense the stormclouds, I've never known the light not to get through! As daylight hours come into play, somehow the sunlight manages to filter through! And while the dazzling glow and colour that comes with clear, skies might not be on display, the heaviest clouds cannot hold back the light! And there is a quiet, subdued beauty revealed! And I can see!
Just a reminder, that when things are at the darkest and heaviest in our lives, and it seems there is no way for light to get through to help us find our way - it always does! In some subtly powerful way, it makes its way to you! So look for it! It will lighten your day. 💙