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Trading in God...

He was so frustrated!! He'd taken this people from miserable captivity to freedom! Given them a land of great opportunity! Protected them against those who would tear them down! Delivered miracle upon miracle to prove his presence! Taught them what to do to live a wonderful and successful life! And yet over and over, they'd thrown it all away.

The things they did made his stomach turn! Throwing their babies to fires built to honour foreign gods! Indulging in ritualistic prostitution! Treating widows and orphans with disdain and neglect! These people were going beyond the nations around them in adopting their cult practices! And yet they had the audacity to rest secure in the "knowledge" that they were "the chosen nation". Protected by the greatest God of all!

They still carried his name, portraying the most horrifying image of him to those around them! Is it any wonder that God washed his hands of them. Stepped away and let them wallow in the filth they'd created. Left them to the devices of the warring nations around them. And yet - when in the midst of their suffering, they cried out to God, remembering his goodness to them, his heart would melt for them. He'd bring them home. Try again. And we wonder why they would so stupidly follow the same path yet again.

I read these stories and try to remember that they were regular people, just like you and me. I mentally put myself in their shoes and attempt to understand. It's easy to stand in judgement on these people in hindsight! Why were they so persistent in trading in the goodness God showered them with, for the harsh demands and cultures around them? Something to do with trying to fit in? It's puzzling ... we humans are weird. I suspect it's something to watch for in ourselves...

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