This Gift...
I'm not good at taking care of my body. I like to indulge in delicious treats (not all the time, but too often to be good) - and then I'm complaining of not feeling so great. I've tried numerous times to get this under control. I'll go through months of including no sugar or dairy or gluten in my diet, and including lots of good things for instance. And it does make me feel so much better! But then I allow myself something off the list, and before long, I find myself back in the indulgent phase again.
This morning I was thinking. This body is pretty amazing. It's a work of art! All the mechanics involved and the self healing capabilities! It's a very beautiful gift from someone who loves me very much! I'm sure if someone else I treasured had given me such a beautiful gift, and they saw me treating it carelessly and without regard, they would be hurt that I valued that gift so poorly. I really love my God, and I do value what he gives me. Maybe if I remember that this body of mine is a treasured gift from him, I'll do a better job of caring for it.