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The Rest Gift

In the story of creation, God worked for 6 days. He carefully designed all the beauties of this world, with intricate and expansive detail! Fit for his crowning creations to explore and discover!

That was us!! We were the last to be made!! God did all the rest before we even got on the scene!! And he saw all that he had made - and it was very good!!! He loved what he'd made!!! And you know what he did next???

He made the very next day a celebration holiday!! To spend with us forever!! Told us not to work that day - because he knew we'd become driven by a need to "do". He just wanted us to "be" on that day - with him! Every week! Just to enjoy being with him and loving his creations with him!! Creations we'd done absolutely nothing to contribute to. He'd done it all!!! He just wanted us to share in his accomplishments.

And you know what??? After he died for us, it also became a celebration of him re-gifting life!!! Once again - completely done by him!!! Nothing at all contributed by us!!! A complete and overwhelmingly generous gift!! He just wants us to be in it with him!!! Rest, and "be" in him!!! How beautiful is my God.


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