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The Prayer...

Long ago, Jesus prayed a prayer.

He and his followers had just shared a Passover celebration meal together. Judas had left the room to betray him. He knew his time with them was running out. No more time to teach them or encourage them. And rather than praying for his own needs, for the horror that he was about to face, his concern was for them. That fledgling, motley band of men who would be left, to carry on spreading his message. He prayed that they would stay strong, despite all Satan's attacks. That they would make it through, and be with him - and bring many others with them!

And you know - right in the middle of it all! - he prayed for me!!! Bless his beautiful heart!!! While death was looming before him, he prayed for me. Read it through. It begins with the message "Let not your hearts be troubled..." in John 14, where he pours his heart into trying to give them some last messages to hold them strong, knowing they would not understand the events now unfolding. And then his prayer begins in chapter 17. A prayer for completion of his mission. A prayer for all who would follow, to the end of time! A prayer for me. What a gift from a beautiful one, who was soon to lay down his life for me.

I am undone 😥❤

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