The Meaning...
It's hard this year. I want to write beautiful things about all that I love about Christmas!! You all know I love it so much!!! All the lights and the laughter, the colours and flavours and hugs and warmth!! And the most precious of stories that simmers behind it all!!
But it's hard this year. It feels a little flat. I struggle to believe that it's only a couple of days away. Yes - my house is decorated and ready as usual, but I realised this morning that I've only turned the lights on a couple of times this year - to see the wonder in my grandson's eyes.
The day that speaks life and hope and joyful celebration is almost upon us, and my heart hasn't been filled with its usual anticipation! And yet - it is still everything to me. Not the day in itself - although that's so much fun! But the message that it brings! That the toughness that we can struggle with in this world, is destined to be replaced, by one filled with joy and peace and life everlasting!!
So, if you're a little like me this year, and feeling like the festive spirit is failing you a bit, just remember - it's for this very reason he came. Lift up your head... he is drawing close. ❤️💚
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