The Love Law
It's funny how your view of God changes over time. I used to think that we should do what God wanted, simply because he was God, and he had a right to tell us what to do. And I should be obedient in submission to that. I used to think that the laws he made were restrictive, locking us into "good" behaviours. Not allowing us the "fun" and slightly "naughty" things others could have. But I've grown. And I've experienced some of those "naughty" things along the way. And the results are not so fun. I've felt the pain that comes with playing outside of the rules.
And my view of God has changed as I've come to know him. I've learned that he is love. And good. And wise. And that he gave his life to give us our right to freedom. And I've learned that each one of those "laws" is at its core, an expression of love! That it's a manual on how to live life in a system of love, so that all things work together in harmony! And it no longer looks restrictive! But beautiful! And a gift! And an expression of how he meant things to run when he made it. An expression of himself.
I no longer "obey" because he is God and should be honoured that way. I simply want to be his, and more like the beautiful character that I see in him, that I love. That love of his, changes me into an expression of him, which naturally follows those "laws". No longer "obedient submission" to authority, but a willing craving for that life-changing love I now see him to be.