The Link...
It occured to me that Jesus never had that name until he was here on earth. In fact, in Hebrew he was known as Yeshua, or in English, Joshua. Yet the meaning of both names is the same - God is Salvation! And that, right there, is why he never had that name prior to living here. That was the role he was playing out here! And names in that culture were bestowed for particular meaning.
While here with us, Jesus referred to himself as Son of Man. Also significant! - because he was God, connecting and identifying with mankind - intimately! And being born into humankind, gave him the right to stand on our behalf! To shoulder the death penalty we'd taken upon ourselves and drag it into the grave!
And then, as Son of God, Jesus (God our Salvation), broke out of the bonds of mortality! When we link ourselves to him, that human/God link provides our way free too! He is the interface between this limited life and God's intended forever!!! Link on!! And let him get you there!!!
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