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The Highest Price!

There are stores told of "worthless" instruments, about to go under the hammer for next to nothing - until a master musician brings beautiful music from within them, and they are sold for the price of a treasure. From that point on, that instrument wears the value of the price paid for it!! What was once thought of as junk, is now esteemed as of great value! We undervalue ourselves. We notice our failures and weaknesses and how we don't measure up to the standards of success held up to us. And we can feel deflated and demoralised by our inability to consistently be what we are told we should be! In our workplace, our homes, our relationships, our own bodies! - we are constantly aware of our shortfalls! And it plays out in the less kind ways we treat ourselves and others. God did not send Jesus to shame you more!! He came to show you your true worth!!! So that you can be filled with a true spirit of kindness and love - to yourself and those around you! You were bought with the highest price heaven could afford!!! Your value is forever measured in that cost!!! Never forget what you are worth to the God who made you - and bought you back with his own life!!! You are precious beyond belief!! Know that!! ❤️

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