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The hidden talent

There is a story in Matt 25, about a landowner who gave talents to all his workers. Some, he knew, were capable of carrying a greater load, so to them he shared more talents that others. But he gave every one of them talents to use!

There was a worker who was only given one talent. Perhaps he was ashamed and embarrassed to share such a small thing. Maybe he felt it was worthless. So he hid it away, and it did nothing for anyone.

And when the landowner returned, he was deeply upset that this worker didn't value the gift he was given, or offer his gift to benefit anyone. Surely he should have recognised that his master had given him that gift wisely, knowing what he was capable of using! But instead, he dishonoured his master by burying it where no-one could see it.

Never feel like what you have been given is too little to offer! You have been given a gift to use on the behalf of others. To not use it for him is a betrayal of his intentions in giving you that gift. As small as you think it might be, share it!

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