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The Great Battle

Easter... A time that we stop and think for a moment about the story that's going on behind the scenes we view with our eyes.

It's hard for us to believe anything exists beyond the boundaries of what we see, hear, taste, feel and smell. They are the senses we have at our disposal to identify and categorise everything we experience in life as things we then "know". And we think that beyond those parameters, there is nothing. We don't realise that we, ourselves, were created with limitations on those senses! That we can only determine life evidenced within those limits.

But there is more! There is life playing out beyond this one we "know"! And there is a battle in action for our very right to exist!

We were born as children of the great creator! We sold ourselves ourselves into slavery to the great pretender - the one who promised everything but delivered nothing but misery!

Easter reminds us of the cost of that battle. That God was willing to die, himself, to free us from it! And it reminds us again of how incredibly evil is this "sin" that insidiously seeps into our lives! What it was willing to do to the purest of lives that came to give itself for ours. It was vicious. Vindictive and cruel. Have no illusions about what it intends for you!

But God ... Creator God stepped in to buy back his creations. To take them in all their misshapen forms, and gently remould them into beauty again.

He paid the price then - but the battle still rages. Good strives with evil over every individual on earth! Each trying to win the heart of the one over which they battle!

It comes down to our choice in the end. It comes down to which voice our heart chooses to respond to. Do we give ourselves to the one who hammered life from God's son??? Or do we grasp hold of the rescue that his great sacrifice provided?

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