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The Father...

There's lots of very different thoughts about who God is - or whether he's there at all! Some people get very adamant about their view of who he is. In my mind, God is so beyond our minute understanding that we should never think we just have him sorted. We should be constantly open to learning something new about him - even to the point of it being completely different from what we've thought!! One of the reasons Jesus came was because we had it all so wrong! We had a very distorted view of God and the ways he worked (are we so different now???) and we needed to be shown what he was really about! When the disciples asked to be shown "the Father", Jesus said "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father". Don't settle for twisted views of God you've picked up from here and there. Study the textbook life God sent us to show what he was really like! Read the stories of Jesus. Realise that he was as real as you and I! And try to understand his feelings and thoughts as he worked here. Then you might come closer to really knowing who God is.


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