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I've been following the story of a precious little one who's been fighting cancer from just a few days after finding their way into this world. And watching makes my heart ache. They've never known life without cancer and the scourge its treatments inflict on their tiny body. And sometimes it makes me wonder if it's the kindest way for them. But then - from a parent's perspective, I understand that your heart would cling to anything that might offer hope of healing for your precious little one. How much you'd ache for their struggles and grapple for anything that might set them free! To live life with joy and vitality as it should be!

And then, as often happens, I see the similarity between us as parents, and God our father who's heart aches for our desperate condition. He wanted so much to heal us in fact, that he poured his own, uninfected life out, to give us a chance for healing! He doesn't want any to perish, but all to come to him and have life! (2 Peter 3:9) Full and vital and never ending!!! As it should have been!!! But it won't work if we don't take what he offers. This healing is only found in him. Believe in his heart for you!! He's reaching out with everything he can offer, as a father to his dying child!

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