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Relationship Barriers...

Sometimes I feel a sense that I am justified in holding on to woundedness caused by someone who has failed me. Especially if that person doesn't seem to recognise the harm done. It can be hard to let it go. It might even be over a small thing, but the injury from it may feel deep. It can feel like I have a right to resent that person for what they've sent my way. I feel justified in my self. But I've learnt that it creates a great barrier between me and the one I love most! And I cannot bear for that wedge to come between us! It disrupts the restful peace of connection with him, bringing with it troubled distraction instead. Nothing I feel is my right to hang on to, is worth the cost of my relationship with him! It is tiny and petty in comparison. And I don't want it if it costs me in my relationship with him. It's so much easier to let go when I see it in that light. And in a weirdly wonderful way - mending that relationship with him, restores harmony in my other relationships too! ❤️

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