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Our 'Matrix'

There's an old song that I remembered recently that goes "I've been lost in a fantasy that blinded me - until your love broke though." (Keith Green) It kind of fit with the problem I've been noticing in this world. It's like The Matrix in reverse!

In The Matrix, the beautiful life you "live" every day, is a lie - constructed to keep you compliantly providing an energy source for the controllers of what is really a very ugly world. But you "live" in blissful ignorance of the dark reality.

In our world, it is kind of the opposite. We grow up in an existence where, along with the good things in our lives, we are conditioned to accept pain and evil as "normal", and death as the end game. And to many of us, we accept that that is all there is. What we physically see and experience - that must be the extent of our lives!

We are unaware that we were created for much, much more!! That there is a whole world in action beyond the one we "know" - a world that is fighting the evil in ours, and striving to free us! Free us to know the life we were actually meant for!! A life that doesn't end!!! A life without pain and evil!!

But we are blind to it. So we struggle along. Believing we must suck what goodness we can from the short life we have been granted on this earth. Because that is all there is...

How sad to live life that way. May God break through the barriers and make you fully aware of the real life that's there for you!


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