Not enough ...
It is not okay for us to be fearful of whether or not we are "saved". Jesus wanted us to "know" it! That he had come to bring us life! Abundant life! And that he would do all we needed to have it!!! But it is also not okay to be complacent.
Many believe that if they believe and confess that Jesus is Lord, they are "saved", and the life that they live does not in any way affect that! That they can continue to do life as they wish, so long as it does not significantly harm anyone, without concern for their "salvation", because they have been assured of it regardless. However Jesus said, even the devil and his angels believe and confess that he is Lord! That is not where "salvation" is found!
I was recently reading the parable of the ten virgins, and was puzzling over the spare oil. All ten had the oil in their lamps (living by the power of his spirit). All ten fell asleep before the bridegroom (Jesus) came back. All were Christians! So what was the extra oil that made the difference???
I still just have a vague idea. But it's something to do with the depth of investment you place in having Jesus as Lord of your life and living in his Spirit. It is not enough to simply call him Lord and believe you are saved. Your whole focus needs to be on him and him filling you! You need to be deeply connected! Searching after greater depth of connection with him all of your days!!! It is his life in you that will be your "salvation". The name alone is not enough.
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