My Prayer...
(My prayer time this morning...)
My God.
I'm here this morning, sitting in my garden, because I want to deeply connect with you. My heart is strongest and most at peace and beautiful when I am closest to you. You are the most beautiful thing that my heart has ever known. You are pure and unwavering in your deepest love and integrity. There is no one else in all my life that I can trust the way I trust you.
I know that it has taken you going with me through the darkest of my days, for me to understand how much I can rest in you. Even when things seem dark and the days are a struggle. You have proven yourself as my rock in all things. And I don't want to live a moment of my life without you.
I look around me and I see the beautiful things that you have created - things that live, and move, and sing, and glow! As an artist pours the expression of his soul into his work, so I see you, your beautiful soul, expressed in all around me. And I fall in love with you a little bit more.
It reminds me of Psalm 19, where David writes of how much nature speaks of you! And I am struck by something in that passage. He speaks of how good it is to live life the way you tell us to. And he says "By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward." vs 11.
I used to think it was a "punishment for bad/reward for being good" system. I think a lot of people see it that way. In actuality, I now see it is cause and effect. Just living your way brings its own rewards. Because yours is the recipe for the right way to do things. It brings out the best in us. Doing things my way has certainly ended in some awful messes.
I want to thank you for helping me, even when I've deliberately chosen a wrong way. It's not like I didn't have consequences that I had to work through, but you helped me through them. Helped to turn it around. So life was heading in the right direction again.
I am so deeply, deeply grateful for all you have been and are in my life. I will be yours for all of my life. And thankyou - for moments like these - that remind me - how much I love being yours. ❤
