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Morning Stillness

I realised this morning, after I was already up and showered and ready for work, that I'd forgotten to arrange for a second car to be here! We'd dropped Mike's car off for a service yesterday. And since I'm agency and didn't have a shift yet, I decided the easiest thing to do was to call work and tell them I was no longer available for the day! So instead, I get to sit in the garden in the early morning hours and enjoy some time with my God.

It's quiet and lovely this time of day. The wind whispers through the tree foliage. The birds sing their varied morning songs. The sky colours gently from pink, to apricot, to aqua and blue. I can hear the low hum of traffic as busy humans around me begin their working day - but right here, in my garden, is a gentle quietness that soothes my soul. And I feel tension release in my shoulders - that I didn't even know was there!

And I see in this sketch, a portrait of what God does in my life! He is the quiet in the middle of the busyness! The calm in the centre of the chaos. He stills my ever-vigilant soul and I rest here in his strength and peace. It is a beautiful thing to have such a sense of trust in one who loves so deeply and is good to the core. It gives me security when all else shifts around me. I am his and he is mine. And that alone, will never change. He is my rock in the moody seas, and it is well with my soul.


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