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Memorial day...

So a weird thought came to mind -

I wonder if the creation of the new world will occur in such a way that Sabbath will remain unchanged, on this day?

A memorial to the original creativity of God, and acknowledgement of his rightful ownership.

Reminder that Jesus rested from the trauma of salvation's work on this day and a reminder that God is the God of deliverance - and a stand against oppression and slavery.

Obviously this is a day of great significance!

So I wonder if it will continue unchanged when this world is remade?!

Also - how about all the other worlds throughout the universe?

Do we all celebrate our creator on the same day?? How much more significant the day then!

And how at odds to choose a day out of step with it. Even if all those worlds were created at different times - did he plan it so Sabbaths still fell on the same day for all???

What an incredible thought - to share such an awesome memorial celebration day with inhabitants throughout all the universe!!

Maybe it's not just for this earth's days...

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