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Living water...

In Matt 6, we find what's become known as the Lord's Prayer. In it, and just after it, Jesus makes a couple of comments that seem weird and sit heavily with us. He let's us know that forgiveness comes to us, only as we are also forgiving to those who have wronged us. That seems hard. We want to be forgiven, and the burden of shame removed from us, but it can be incredibly hard to forgive someone who has hurt us - especially if they feel no concern for what they have done.

A thought began to chase this, in my mind. Jesus said if we received who he was with an open heart, he would be a wellspring of living water in us, overflowing to others. (Jn 7:38) Living water is flowing water. Water that doesn't flow becomes stagnant and putrid. If we are trying to receive God's love and forgiveness, but are unwilling to let that flow on, it begins to turn sour within us. Allowing it to flow on to those in our lives that need it, keeps that love and forgiveness alive and sparkling, and washes the festering hurt out of us.

Jesus wasn't so much delivering a judgemental rebuke as he was simply explaining what would be a natural result of not sharing that forgiveness. Forgive, and that forgiveness he shares will continue to flow into and through you. And the healing life he gives will flow through you too!

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