Living the Gift
I continued a little with a book I've been reading on the life of Jonah, this morning. Haven't read it for a while - and I'd stopped mid chapter. The section left to read pointed out that if we say we love God and his way, but don't help the poor or those struggling with injustice, our faith is dead. It made me long to be out working with those with nothing again, and I began to question whether I'd heard God right about giving the gift of myself where I am - that that's where I need to be right now.
As I struggled with that familiar dilemma in me, a thought came into my mind. There are different kinds of poverty. There are people who ache with a poverty of spirit. Those who are lonely. Those who starve for a kindness. Who need a friend. And those who battle to keep up with all the responsibilities piled upon them.
Those who work for the disadvantaged and oppressed are doing a beautiful thing. I honour what they do as the highest calling. But all around me, every day, are people with needs for me to fill. And again I am reminded - to be the gift right where I am.
