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Just Enough

Long ago, God provided for the children of Israel whilst they wandered the desert, with manna! Bread from the heavens! It lay on the ground in the cool of the morning, for them to harvest. They were to take enough for each day. It could not be stored. Those who attempted to ignore God and save some, found it rotting and disgusting the next morning.

For many years, I have understood it to be a message that God would provide each day's needs - even when it looked like you had nothing! But something a friend posted this morning, triggered another thought!

Just as the Israelites were to gather for the needs of each day, unable to store any up for the morrow, so we need to come and be fed with the Bread of Heaven (Jesus said that was him!) every day! We cannot double up one day and store it! It becomes stale and lifeless, and cannot sustain us, or be palatable to those we share it with! Every day, we need to take time to feast on the life he provides! And that gives us what we need to be givers that day.


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