It is well...
There are different types of healing. Jesus shows that in the story of the paralytic. (Luke 5) There's psychological healing and physical healing. And sometimes the two don't come together.
Believing in the goodness of God and resting in his love, and the knowledge that he always gives us the best answer to our prayers, means that even if we don't get the result we ask for right now, we can have that "peace beyond understanding". We can have mental and spiritual healing, even if the physical healing doesn't reach us for now.
This world is filled with pain and sickness and death. This is the reality of life here. Physical healing would only ever be a temporary thing. Time will always bring further devastating things here. It's the nature of this life in a world of decay.
Sometimes that physical healing is held for our new world where it will never be destroyed again. But the internal well-being - the healing of the soul! - that can be ours right now!! With deep trust in the one who brings wholeness with his presence. He is the gift of "abundant life" - no matter what remains to be endured.
Image from The Chosen