It is Finished!
Today was a day of complete and gut-twisting confusion. The dreams of yesterday were tattered shreds. The crowd had turned from celebration to screams of hate and condemnation. One of their own had brought him down! And now, after hours of exhausting torment, Jesus hung, battered and beaten, on a Roman cross!
Could there be a more humiliating way to go out??? He was killed by the system they abhorred! Spurred on by the cries of their own people! And now, the one they had put their hopes and lives into for the past three years, was gone. Where would they go from here? They'd left everything for him!
Without their leader, they were now just a struggling huddle of misfits. And they were deeply afraid for their own lives. They would be mocked by the ones they'd left to follow him. Did they have anything left to go home to??? A deep and complete grief engulfed them. They were utterly confused and unable to understand what Jesus had tried to tell them. Hope was gone.
But the final battle cry of Jesus hung in the air. "it is finished!..."
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