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In a Name...

Yahweh (to be) - "I am who I am (Exodus 3)"

- ie he has always been and never changes.

Yeshua (Yahweh saves) - "You shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins (Matthew 1)", - Jesus is the evidence that God's plan was always to save us!

Ruach Hakodesh (holy wind, or holy breath) "He breathed into them and said 'Receive the Holy Spirit' (John 2)" - God in a form that can be with every person at once - bringing life into our core!

- the Hebrew names for God in all his forms, in my life.

There is something powerful, in my mind, in using these words that Jesus, himself, would have spoken.

Somehow it feels like they tie me more strongly into that spiritual realm.

Especially since names in their culture meant so much more than just a title.

They embodied the essence of who they were/are.

I'm going to try and remember to use them in my prayer time - to remind me of the holiness and beauty of who they are.

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