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I Choose You!

For a relationship to stand strong beyond the honeymoon stage, there needs to be a constant "I choose you".

When the days bring frustration and pain - "I choose you".

When the glowing feelings have faded - "I choose you".

When life seems more of a comfortable companionship than a passionate embrace - "I choose you".

"I choose you" - to the end of time!

I choose to be here and honour the commitment I made to you, even when it seems tough to do so!

Our feelings are fickle - up and down. They cannot be trusted to stay the course!

But making the decision to stay true, regardless! - that makes us solid!

And you know - the same is true for your relationship with God!

Sometimes the sense of him is very strong! And it's easy to sit in his presence and feel deeply heart-attached!

And then there are other days, when the mind just wanders, focus is poor, and it's hard to feel his presence at all!

You might even feel he's forgotten you in the midst of your chaos and misery!

Or that he's some distant dream that you just wish was true.

On those days, don't give in to the control of those feelings! Don't listen to the doubt and hopelessness they stir up in you.

Remember this instead -

"I am always with you",

"I will never leave you or forsake you"

"he who comes to me I will never cast out!"

"If you seek me, you will find me, if you search for me with all your heart."

He keeps his word! There is no one more true!

Believe it!

Even if you can't feel it right now! He is with you, so keep coming to him, even when you feel disconnected!

The feelings lie!

State this, every day - "I choose you!".

Every day!

Despite what I feel, my commitment stands.

And your relationship with him will grow stronger and more solid as you do.

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