Hot Potato
I was feeling hurt and annoyed. Let down by a friend who I had thought would support me. And I felt I had every right to feel this way. And with that in my mind I came out to pray. But it felt like a road block! While I was trying to connect to God, all I could focus on was what I saw as that person's offence.
And then God quietly spoke. Two words. Self-righteous, and judgemental. And just like that my mind dropped its focus like a hot potato. You see, those are two characteristics of mine that I do not like. Two things that I hate to see surface. And I have no desire for them in my life. All he had to to do show me what was really behind my feelings, for me to recognise their poison. And I let them go! And the roadblock dissolved.
Nothing that blocks the path between me and my God is worth having. It only destroys. I am just so glad that he helps me to see them.