His Plan...
I'm sitting outside, praying in a different environment this morning. It almost seems surreal being on the other side of the world - even though I've lived a good many years here too! It's good to escape the frazzled couple of weeks that were ours before we left. And feel some peace.
I came this morning, once more deeply grateful, for another battle God had fought for us and won. As expected, our exit property manager was coming after us for more money. Said we hadn't cleaned the outside of our house. Sent pitiful pictures of a couple of tiny cobwebs and some dust on a powerpoint. Just another stab at us for no reason. Just because he could.
We prayed for the right words, because this man could not be underestimated! We sent an email stating our case. And we were a little shocked when he agreed to our response! But that's what God can do! When we face our 'giant', he is our champion.
So I came, humbly grateful. And thinking about how God worked, over and over, for the undeserving Israelites. Because he does not work on our behalf because we are deserving. We are not. He works for those who are grateful to be his - simply from his own goodness and kindness.
As many times before, I placed many that I love in his hands this morning - for healing, and peace, and comfort, and the strength that he is in my life. And I recognised that above every prayer that I pray for each of these, their need for a deeper connection with him is the greatest thing I could pray for them. For he has been, and is, the greatest and most solid and precious part of my life.
I do know, that the deepest connection times for me with him, have come during my times of deepest need. And I know, that sometimes the prayers that I pray for this greatest gift in each life, may come with deferred 'yes's to the other requests I bring him, for his reason. I trust him in this. He is worth more. And a profound thought occurs to me.
For a long time, I've been frustrated with people saying that God has your whole life mapped out for you - that everything is in his plan. I don't believe that. God has given us the gift of choice. We get to plan our own lives! Although he will step in if we want him to - just like he's done many times with us!
However, I think he does have a plan for our lives - and it is this! His plan - shown explicitly in the gift of his son - is for the restoration of our relationship with him!!! That is his over-riding plan in every move he ever makes in our lives!!! Sometimes that may appear as precious miracles, big or small! But sometimes those interventions are deferred in order to accomplish the greater goal.
So I guess in this way, he does plan our lives for our greatest well-being. Just not in the way many people think he does. His goal, through everything, is a love relationship with you. ❤️