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Heaven's Giver

Just a thought I had this morning...

A generously giving spirit is the way of heaven.

Giving without concern for return.

Being a willing and cheerful giver!

Not counting the cost!

We call it sacrifice here, because it often feels like giving without reciprocal benefit.

In heaven - in the perfect world - this would not be the case.

With everyone lifting everyone around them, this perfect world is filled with nurturing support for everyone!

But here, it often feels draining.

And we get to where we are reluctant to give more.

Not so much of the willing and cheerful anymore.

Here, in order to function heaven's way, we need to turn to the great and generous provider, who has more than enough to supply our need and is very willing to give it!

When his Spirit infuses us, we can be the willing and cheerful givers we were intended to be!

His positivity and energy supplies and supports us so we can be filled to give.

Without that, we can so easily become drained of our best intentions to live life his way.

I need to turn to him constantly so he can live out his life through me.

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