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Heaven is for Real???

I watched a movie yesterday, called "Heaven is for Real". It's based on the true story of a young boy who seems to have experienced a taste of heaven, and returned to tell the tale. And it's particularly meaningful for me at the moment because my Dad is not doing so well.

I know that lots of people think that heaven is just a fairytale made up to give us comfort. Others believe that all the "good" people go to heaven when they die. As Adventists we have a slightly different belief - for us, when we die, we stay that way - sleep as it were - until Jesus comes back like he said he would. Then, all those who've chosen him will go with him, together - first to heaven, and eventually to a brand new, remade perfect earth, that we get to live in again. With him!

So the concept that someone could visit heaven and see Jesus and others who have died, now, is intriguing to me. But this was a young, innocent child - and although they are known for their vivid imaginations, he recounted things from his adventure that he could not possibly have known, normally! Things that shocked his parents! So while it seems to defy what I understand, I do believe him!

In that case, there are two things it could be! 1 - what I have understood to be, is wrong - and I'm quite ok with that. There are many things that I'm sure we haven't gotten quite right. Jesus made that obvious when he confronted the religious understandings of his day! I'm quite willing for him to show me where I'm wrong!

The other option could be that the boy experienced a vision - with God showing him what he wanted him to see, to impact on the lives of those he shared it with afterwards. There were people in that boy's life who's faith was on shaky ground - who weren't really sure what they believed. Was God real? Was heaven a real place? Was God fighting them? Or working for them at all??? Very human struggles, even amongst those who are "Christians".

I know there are other stories of children recounting events like his. And my theory is this - and it's just a theory! But I think God is using the innocence of children in this very skeptical age, to try to make it past the barriers of distrust we've set up, to let people know that heaven IS real! And it's not just a story! And he is working to bring us home! And while he will not impose himself, it's there for our choosing!

We will listen and weigh up the story of a sweet child who has not yet developed guile, whilst we would instantly dismiss an adult sharing that same event. As adults we have learnt distrust towards others - because we know they can lie and manipulate.

That's my guess anyway. Interesting story. Give it a watch if you have time, and see what you think...


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