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He paid...

God found a way to be true to his just and honourable character

and yet still give us a merciful release from the consequences of breaking his perfect law.

Even though that "way" cost him deeply.

The law still is.

It is the expression of who he is.

It is love in action.

The consequence of breaking that law still is.

We have just been given a way to step out of it.

And he paid that price himself.

Because we had nothing to pay it with.

And he could not reduce his law to trivial

or a mockery

by ignoring/foregoing the results of breaking it.

The law stands.

It is him.

The consequence stands.

It is the opposite of the life that is him.

But he himself has paid the penalty.

He has given us back life!

If we want it...

But it comes with him attached.

And so many don't recognise the value of him.

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