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Good from Bad

I still don't believe God causes our troubles - even for our own good! I don't think he needs to!! We manage to find plenty of it just by ourselves!!! However, I do know there are times he protects us from it, and times he holds us through it. And there are lessons to be learned in the times that he goes through it with us.

One is that there is no-one in your life that can or will always be there for you. None! Our very physicalness prevents that! And our humanness... But God will never change - despite what we do. I've learned he will never leave me or forsake me. And he is with me constantly, so I never face anything alone.

Two, is that God provides. He has always cared for me - my whole life!! Even when I've had nothing!! And I've learned to trust that - and let go of the worry and stress. And that's something I would not have learned if I'd always been in a position of plenty.

Three, I've learned that God is always good - and will always bring you out the other side of darkness with beautiful gifts. Gifts of compassion, healing, strength, understanding and deep peace and trust.

And four - I've learned his way is always best!!!! My way causes more mess than it fixes!! So I always want to go to him, and listen, and set things right his way. And I never want to follow a poor path again - because the "fun" it suggests it offers turns out to be very empty, and hollow with regrets.

So while I would choose not to go through some of life's experiences I've had, and I'll never believe God put me there, I understand his purpose in allowing me to go through them, and I am grateful for the lessons learned there. And so grateful that God brings good out of bad.

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