God SO Loved...
The people of this earth had been led to believe that God was a vengeful being who was out to destroy them. That they had to live lives of humble subservience - doing only his will and not theirs - in order to avoid his wrath. This is still the belief of many today. The only way God could change that view was to show himself. And he did this in Jesus. Jesus said "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father."
Jesus spent his whole life showing the heart and intent of his Father towards those who thought he hated them. He endured awful abuse in order to get that truth across! The most incredible message was given when Jesus gave his life on the cross - and he gave it! It was not taken from him! (John 10:18)
Jesus went through the horrifying trauma that he did in order to make us realise how much God is willing to do for us! How much he is for us - and not against us! He paid a huge price to make that message known! He's gone to enormous lengths to rescue us! But he'll never force your love. That's not what love is.
Don't waste that lifeboat! There won't be another one. He's trying to save us from the deep, dark hole we're falling into! This world is going down. But he wants you safe with him, not going down with it! It is evil that wants to destroy us - not him. Read who Jesus showed him to be, and your heart will tell you, you can trust him.
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