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Foundation is everything!

There is a story that Jesus tells, of two men who built homes on two different foundations. One built his home on sand. The other built his on rock. Now, here in Perth, most homes are built on sand! There's nothing else for it - it's just what we have here to build on!! But correcting for that, a heavy concrete slab, laced with rebar, is laid first! Without that, the homes here would shift and crumble with the movement of the sand under them.

Whenever this story is told, the focus is very much on the foundation we should choose to build our lives on! It's that that changes our story's outcome! But something else drew my attention this morning. "And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house;..." Matthew 7:25

In Jesus story, both houses had to weather an onslaught of terrible conditions! There were no promises that if you became a follower of his, that he would protect you from bad things in this life. On the contrary, he said the storms of this life would strike us all!!

It is how we weather them that changes when we become his. If our lives are built on shifting sands - if what we trust in is not rock solid and unchanged by time and circumstance, then our lives can collapse when those dark times come. He alone is the foundation that never shifts or changes. He alone is what keeps our lives intact in the midst of the worst of life's storms.

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