I was curious about the meaning of the word "cornerstone", so I did some reading. Historically, it was a very important stone in the creation of a building, and needed to be perfect in form and placement, because the integrity and alignment of the whole building relied on it. And it often bore the name of the creator of the building, along with the dates from initiation to completion of the structure.
Each of us is constructing a life. The cornerstone we choose to base our life on determines our integrity and alignment. For a life that is solid and beautifully constructed, we need a cornerstone that is perfect in form and placement.
Jesus is the perfect cornerstone. And he is our author and finisher! Have him as your cornerstone and you have a life perfectly aligned and orientated, and full of integrity. Our life becomes designed around him and who he is! From beginning to end of our construction! And it shows the mark of the greatest architect and builder ever known.
Oh - and another thing! Jesus was called the cornerstone that the builders rejected! They were looking for a particular type of "perfection" that wasn't what Jesus was about! We need to be careful not to make that same mistake.
