Closer Than a Brother..
(I was lost in prayer and thought on the way to work the other day. Just had time when I arrived to quickly write things down - otherwise with my old memory I forget them! 🤣 Didn't have any extra time then to post it, but I feel like it's worth a post, so here it is...) Who is that friend who held you tightest when your heart was breaking? Who sat with you and listened as you poured out your misery. That person becomes "closer than a brother". Bonded to your heart like no other. I was thinking of how my life had changed over the years. Feelings of nostalgia for people and moments that had been in my life. And a little sadness that those no longer existed. But then I realised it was ok to treasure these memories - they would always be mine - tucked safely away. And each of these things had had an effect on me over time. They had all contributed to who I now am. My life had been constantly evolving. Through it all, there had been one constant. God had always been my rock of unchanging support. But even my relationship with him had changed. It had become deeper, and more personal, transformed by the sharing of deep experiences only he could share with me. He had been there as no-one else could be in my very darkest times. And those had bonded my heart to him more tightly than life's ordinary moments. I would not care to revisit those times - but the depth of relationship I now have with my God, I would never trade for easier memories.