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Cloaked Power!

This morning as I sat outside with God, I admired the power of the wind! We have strong gusty weather here right now, and the might of the wind reminds me of the power of its creator. We often focus so much on knowing him through his personality cloaked in human form in Jesus - there we find a God we can relate to. But there are other forms that we find written of in the Bible that are much more intimidating and awe-inspiring!

I was reminded of Elijah, hiding for his life in a cave, after all the powerful displays God had recently provided to establish beyond doubt that he existed! This story is related in 1 Kings 19. Discouraged and exhausted and feeling very alone after the queen's threat to end his life, God, himself, came to meet him. There was a mighty wind! God caused that wind, but he was not in the wind. Then there was a great earthquake, and a wild fire! But though they too were evidence of his power, he was not in them! Instead, God whispered, in a gentle voice, because only then did he seem approachable - and Elijah went out of the cave to meet him.

In Exodus 33 and 34, something similar happened to Moses on Mount Sinai. Moses asked for a chance to see him, but God told him that seeing his face would destroy him! Instead, God hid him in a crevice in the mountain and covered him with his hand until he had passed by, allowing Moses just a glimpse of his back as he moved out of view. I'm assuming that back was covered with 'clothing' of some kind, shielding Moses from the full force of the radiant power that was God! However, it was still so intense that when Moses returned to the Israelite camp at the base of the mountain, the people were scared of him, because his face literally glowed!! And he had to wear a veil to cover it!

So hard to understand this incredible God! So powerful he shines brighter than many suns!! - emitting enormous radiation that would kill us if we looked upon him!!! Yet willing to cloak himself to protect us and show his love for us in a form that won't terrify us!! What will it be like when we actually stand, no longer mortal, in his presence???! It will be something way beyond what our minds can now comprehend.

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