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My Dad's birthday's coming up. And it's making me sad that he's no longer here to share it with. My sweet kitty is old and fading away. I'm more and more aware, as I get older, of the losses happening around me. When I dwell on these things it can put me in a low place to deal with the day. Here, love comes with loss. And it hurts.

But then I see Jesus in the midst of those stories. Coming to soak up the hurt into himself! He was pure and beautiful with no trace of the cancer that eats us! The death that is inevitable for us, was not for him!! But he walked our walk, to build a bridge. To become the bridge! Beyond that marker, to a whole life that never ends!!!

This little life of ours, with all its pain and sadness, is only a teeny thing in the grand scheme!!! The God who made the universe, seemingly without end! - who's intricate details keep astounding into the microscopic and beyond! - that God is bigger and bolder than anything that tries to drown us here!!!

And just like that, it's hold is broken on me!! My gaze is turned from the sadness of this little space, to the hope and wonder of infinity!!! Thank God that he cared - to lift us. There is no other answer to that maw. ❤️

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