I've often wondered how the God who created the vastness of so much more than we know, could even notice the insignificance of something not even measuring up to a grain of dust in comparison! And beyond that - had such deep compassion for our situation, that he poured himself into the form of one of us, to give us back the beauty of life he intended for us!
The only way I've been able to understand it, is this. Just as time means nothing to God - as he has no beginning or end, size means nothing to him either! He is just as at home balancing the vastness of the cosmos, as he is designing the precision of the tiniest molecules! And he is just as able to hear the voices of millions, as he is to sit quietly and share sweet time with me! And as time means nothing to him, he can do all that at once!
So much magnificence and hugeness! So much intimacy and focus. Hard for our human minds to grasp. But I guess that's where the trusting as a child does, comes in... He just is. What he is. In it all.
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