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So I was thinking about fingerprints while I was having a shower this morning. (Don't ask me - I have no idea how I got to that thought! 😂). I was wondering over their uniqueness - even identical twins have different fingerprints! And as every one of us has our own unique DNA, I began to wonder if they were linked - kind of like the fingerprints being a little map of our DNA. So, me being me, I had to Google it 🤣.

It seems that it's more complicated than that. While our fingerprints are partly inherited from our parents, they are also influenced by the environment in the womb during a baby's development. So that adds a whole other layer to the complexity of our uniqueness!!! Imagine trying to come up with a mathematical algorithm for that!!! For every person in history!!!

And then there's those snowflakes that are all different!! What the heck??? Do you realise how many of those there are out there???? How on earth do they all come up different????

I'll never understand how anyone thinks these things happen by accident. This stuff blows my puny human mind!!! As far as I can see, only someone with a mind infinitely beyond ours could come up with something like this!!!

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