God thought of everything for our good when he set up our world. Delicious and wonderful varieties of food that would grow upon trees and vines and in the ground! Fresh, filtered water that bubbled out of the ground for us to drink! Beautiful creatures to entertain our eyes and minds, and be our companions! Relationships to hold us! The warmth of the sun and cooling breezes! Shade, under foliage that converts expired carbon dioxide to the oxygen we need to breathe! Treasures everywhere to delight our senses! Music and laughter! Colour and taste sensations! A drive to create and accomplish! All of it, designed to make life for us, a thing of joy!
And he added something else! - Rest! Because he knew we would need reprieve from all the achieving! He knew we might not stop without it! So he created night - with its softened light and quietness, to induce a sense of peace in us - to lull us into rest and contented recovery. Every single day, we were created to not only create, but also to rest!
And then - so that we were reminded to stop and enjoy him, and all he's made for us, and those relationships dear to us, he gave us a whole day! - every week!!! Just to rest - stop being driven to 'do'. Know that we are loved just because he 'is' and we 'are' - not because of what we 'do'! A day that should not be squandered! For it is full of precious opportunities that we would not take without it!
So stop! Take your day of rest given to you! Enjoy the gifts! Rest in love! And notice how beautiful this life is that he's given you.
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