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I am no great orator. I was not born for debate - my mind gets lost along the way! I cannot convince anyone of anything.

It is hard enough to remain sure in myself that God exists and is with me! Sometimes I need to go back over the reasons why I believe it, when I start to question! And it's not because I was brought up that way. And it's not because the church told me to believe it. It begins with a desire, deep inside me, for it to be real. Honestly - when it comes to facing death's door, most of us will accept it's possibility.

It is based on the stories of Jesus and the way he showed life should be lived. It is the way the words ring with validity when I read how things are and how they should be. Everything he taught was filled with goodness and love of the purest nature. And while I cannot prove to anyone that the source of those stories is real, there are those who have set out to do so!

Archaeological finds have supported facts written of in the Bible. And people like Lee Strobel, who did not believe, and set out to disprove it using formulae accepted for validating legal journalism, have been completely turned around in their views on that journey. It's enough for me to accept it as real. And nature - way too vast and complex for me to believe it just kind of came together - any more than if the ingredients of a cake happened to fall together that it could somehow become a cake!

But I think the thing that brings me back to solid belief, more than anything, is going back over my life, and remembering how he's shown himself there over the years. He's been with me in my darkest times. Held me when no one else could. Healed my mind and lifted me, helping me to live life positively, when I could have shrivelled and died inside.

And there are times when I've felt a sense of peace and love and absolute joy sitting with him that I've never known anywhere else. And I'd love everyone to have to chance of knowing that. Because I know life is harsh with us all! And I wish we could all know how it feels! There is no one and nothing like him!

So I write - so I have reminders to read, to bring me back when I need it. And perhaps so there might be seed for someone else, that he can water and breathe life into, until it smashes open the concrete that is holding them down!

I cannot convince anyone. I have no proof. I can only offer you me. And my stories. What he's taught me - and who he is in my life. And hope that it helps ❤️


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