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40 Days!

40 precious days!

The resurrection was not the end of Jesus time with us here!

For another 40 days beyond, he stayed!

Solidly convincing his people that they hadn't just imagined it - he was alive and very real!!!

40 days of deep connection with the one they had loved and were now completely in awe of!

40 days to drink him in!

To understand!

To be grounded in him and ready to take on his mission!!

40 days for him to be truly and completely known as the Messiah with a cause beyond anything they'd understood!

40 days to get it!

Because the time ahead, where he would be gone, and they would carry on with the gift of his Spirit - those days would be daunting and harsh!!!

He knew they would become the devil's new targets!!

He needed to make sure their faith was solid so they would not be broken down!!

And in those 40 days, his little team of followers became strongly embedded in him, so that when they received the power promised to them, poured out at Pentecost, they became a mighty force for his kingdom!

No longer bedraggled and scared!!

These men would stand strong against fiercest opposition, to get his message of hope to the world!!!

And look what it's become!!!

From such a tiny group, his story stretches around the world!!

Because no one could shake what they so solidly knew!!!

He was alive!!

He was the Messiah!!!

Way beyond what they'd realised!!

And nothing could take him from them!!!

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