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Love needs

I was craving God's love this morning. I wanted to climb up into his lap and feel his arms wrap around me. I just love it's purity and depth and quietingness (is that even a word???) 😄. He is beautiful, and my heart always wants more 🙂. But then I felt a little guilty for wanting that time and attention from him when there are so many I pray for that have so much greater need. And do you know what came to my mind before I even finished formulating that thought??? I don't have to feel guilty! God can give each child intimate time and attention without withdrawing his presence from another!! Whatever you need from him - he can be there for you - and with you - exactly as you need it! And still be nurturing another who may have "greater" need!!! How awesome is that??!!! You never need feel guilty for craving your Father's love. ❤️ 

Image : David Bowman - My Child

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