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Partner for life

It's normal on New Year's Eve to look back. To reflect on the year that has passed and all its events and accomplishments. 2019 was a much kinder year for us than its predecessor. New jobs, new studies, new partners for life. I know for some of you, it was a much tougher year. My mind slides back through tough times of my own. The good ones too. I've had things I've done well - that I'm proud of. And then there are those I've failed in. And not just once! Over and over! It's no surprise that people who experience those begin to expect that from you. Through it all, I've had a champion. A coach who continually urges me on, encourages better from me, lifts me up and dusts me off and tells me to try again. What would I do without him? I think I would either be hard and bitter, or a crumpled, insecure mess. My God is the prince of love and kindness and restoration! He fills me with life and warmth and positivity! I am so very grateful he became my life partner so long ago. He's helped me through so much. Here's to 2020 - and all that it holds! I know whatever it brings, he is with me, and I'm OK. And to anyone reading this, God loves you too! And what he has been to me, he'll be for you too! If you want him to be... Happy 2020 everyone!!!! May your days be filled with positive growth and achievements - and the love of those you hold close! 😘❤️ 

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