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Like my Dad...

I was evaluating myself as a parent. Some of it was good - some not so good. And I was hoping that the things that were not so good, had not made the biggest impact on my children's development. I was thinking about how much of who our children are is formed by our modelling, and how much is simply them. And how much of what is "simply them", are character traits passed on from us. I see great gifts in my children, but I also see weaknesses. It saddens me to think they may have inherited some of my poorest traits, when of course, I want them to display my best ones. 😏 And in the middle of my ponderings, I felt a nudge to take a look again at what I'd just thought from a different point of view. My heavenly Father is saddened when he sees me act in ways that are not the beautiful ways he has taught me. He doesn't love me less! I am still his child. But he longs to see in me that awesomely loving temperament that is his! And he is saddened when I treat people poorly. He wants better for me than that. I am sorry for the times I have reflected who he is badly. I love my Father and everything that makes him who he is. I want to be like him. I want to love like he does. So I spend my time with him, soaking him in, praying for that beautiful spirit of his. So that you might see him in me, and recognise the beautiful character traits that came from him. 

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