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Hidden grime

I was sitting in my lounge room, later in the morning than usual, looking out the window, trying to see the beautiful bush scenery that I know is out there. But because of the angle of the sun's light, my view was obscured by the dirtiness of my windows! Most of the time I don't see it! My windows appear clear and I enjoy the view from them. But as the light hit them this morning, the film of grime was obvious, and I could no longer see the beauty. It struck me that this is kind of like us as we look into our own lives. For the most part we think we're pretty good!!! We might mess up a little bit here and there but we generally live life in a way that is pleasing to us. It's only when we see our lives illuminated by the "Light of the world" that we realise how messed up we are. It's a humbling experience. But it can also be the beginning of beautiful transformation. 

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