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A Deeper View

I don't know about other places in the world, but here in Australia where tree trunks are often silvery or pale grey-brown, something magical happens to them after the rain. They are transformed with deep red-browns and greens! It reminds me of videos I've seen where colourblind people use glasses to see richness and variety in colour shades they've never seen before. Long ago, a youth leader taught me to look at things around me differently. I used to blindly cast my eye over my surroundings as I passed through to my focused destination. Now I look for more. I try to see textures and colours and shapes and details as if seeing them for the very first time! Imagining them through the eyes of a child. Realising the wonder of them. And the more I see, the more I fall in love with the artist who thought them all up. As you rush around your busy day today, stop a moment - look around you - and try to notice the touches of beauty everywhere! 


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