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That prickly word...

"Sin" is a strange and prickly word. It is unfamiliar in our daily language, and really only used in church worlds to remind everyone of how far we are from perfect. It feels judgemental and weighty, and we don't really like hearing it. But what if we saw it in a different light? The ten commandments, or laws that God gave us, were actually designed so that everyone, and everything, would live in harmony. After all, who wants anyone stealing from us, lying about us, or taking the one we love? They are good laws! Laws that show us how to treat others with love! And we know that when we actually look at them instead of reacting to them with defiance because we're being told what to do. When these laws are broken, they cause pain - to us, to those around us, and to God who has to watch us hurting each other! So this weird word, "sin", actually means "causing pain". If you don't want to cause pain, to yourself, or anyone else in your life, then you don't want "sin" in your life anymore. So then you need those laws of harmony! So how do you get so you're operating on those laws when as humans we have a knack for breaking them? You need that spirit of love on which those laws were written, living deep inside you. And that comes when you fall in love with God. You don't need that "sin" in your life anymore. It hurts! Let it go! And let God's love fill you up instead! 

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