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A Speck of Colour

Last night we were watching a TV show on earth from the view of space. Such a beautiful blue sphere. It reminded me of a thought from that morning. It has fascinated me for a while that in all the vastness of creation, my life is somehow important to its maker. This tiny little dust speck of a life. And then it was as though God reminded me of something. "Do you remember going sapphire hunting - and how much you treasured each of those little sparks of colour you discovered? Now step back and look at the size of the earth and how minuscule each of those gems are in comparison. From this point - do they still have value?" Wow. Of course they do. They each have intrinsic value because of what they are - regardless of comparison with anything else! You are valued. And precious. Whether you are a speck of blue, or green, or red, or crystal clear! And despite that he has created at such great magnitude - you do not get lost in it all! He keeps his eye on you! You are his treasure! 

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